

Designed as an introduction to Aboriginal issues, this program focuses on cultural activities and experiential learning and is meant to be an immersion in the traditional cultures of Aboriginal peoples.   Over a four day period, participants will:

  • Take part in daily opening and closing ceremonies

  • Develop a greater understanding of the spirituality of the Aboriginal people(s)

  • Learn about the history of the Aboriginal peoples within the province, including the impact of residential schools on Aboriginal communities

  • Explore issues of concern to Aboriginal communities in relation to treaty rights, Aboriginal rights, land claims, self-government, etc.

  • Become aware of the biases that may prevent effective communications

  • Learn to recognize challenges that First Nations communities face, and develop strategies to work cooperatively with the communities to address those issues accordingly

  • Participate in a traditional sweat lodge ceremony

In addition, participants may choose to participate in the following activities:

  • Drum building

  • Mask making

  • Paddle making

  • Canoeing

  • Snowshoeing

The four-day Native Awareness Experience is held at Spirit Point near Trout Creek, Ontario.

This course makes you look at the bigger picture. Lessons can be applied to your own struggles and tragedies as well as being applied to any non-white culture we deal with. It teaches that everyone has a back story. I will continue to be a strong officer but perhaps now with more compassion and thought.



This five-day long, hands-on training program is designed for individuals who are interested in becoming Walking the Path Facilitators.   The goal of the Facilitator’s course is to build facilitation capacity at the community level and to expand the reach of the program to young people across the province.


  • Drum and/or shaker making

  • First Nations Engagement: Understanding of how to work with Aboriginal Communities

  • Working with Youth

  • Healing our Hearts:  Understanding the Impact of Residential Schools on Aboriginal Communities

The most valuable experience I took away from this program was witnessing the dramatic transformation among participants, the enlightenment, inspiration, compassion, understanding and desire to make positive change. I think what makes this program so effective is that George and Carol put heart and soul into the program delivery.
The course material was all relevant and interesting, but what really makes this course are the great presenters. The material is explained in a fun, simple, sometimes comical, but always informational way. The presenters make this course.